Get started:
Our recruiters are experts at helping candidates drill down to their core motivations, desires and passions. Ditto how to package qualifications and experience. We would love to share that expertise with you. That's the first option. Let's begin the conversation. We have free and fee-based metrics and tools that can help you find the perfect fit for your next venture. Alternatively, you may feel you are ready to start immediately. If so, we'll get right to work getting you before decision makers. Your choice. Contact the founder, Pete Smith, at 510.372.6865 We can make a decision about which of our recruiters is the best fit for you.
Pledge to Candidates:
1. Information provided to our candidates will be the most accurate information known to us.
2. We will never withhold employer information that our candidate would reasonably consider essential to his or her employment decision, subject to our reasonable obligations to the client.
3. We will never refer a candidate to any client without the candidate's express prior consent.
4. We will always treat as confidential all information supplied to us in confidence by a candidate. If that duty conflicts with our duties to a client, we will not submit the candidate to that client, and disclose the conflict to our candidate.
5. We will always make all authorized submissions as soon as practicable--our stance is submission immediately upon authorization.
6. We will never pressure our candidates into any decision, ever.
"Give Taranis a call. But be ready. Each recruiter squeezes two hours of information into every half-hour session." [JEG]
"There's the work and then there's the context. Taranis has really opened my eyes. I recommend their recruiters wholeheartedly." [ST]
You have completely destroyed all my old opinions about recuiters. You deftly combine market savvy, complete honesty, ruthless candor and acomplete insider's perspective." [RS]
"This was my first experience with a professional recruiter. Taranis has been there, understands the challenges, is able to see through the smoke screens that I, as the typical lawyer throw out there. Be ready to hear some honest feedback!" [LE]
"I certainly attribute my new position to Taranis. My recruiter's confidence in me helped me to have confidence in myself!" [DT]
"Taranis's coaching is the best-kept secret in the country. I keep working with my recuriter to this day, two years later, even though my new practice has taken me to London, Dubai and Shanghai. Essential." [PZ]
Two approaches:
Our recruiters are experts at helping candidates drill down to their core motivations, desires and passions. Ditto how to package qualifications and experience. We would love to share that expertise with you. That's the first option. Let's begin the conversation. We have free and fee-based metrics and tools that can help you find the perfect fit for your next venture. Alternatively, you may feel you are ready to start immediately. If so, we'll get right to work getting you before decision makers. Your choice. Contact the founder, Pete Smith, We can make a decision about which of our recruiters is the best fit for you.
is completely transparent. Here it is:
We never submit candidates directly to firms. Rather:
a) We create a profile that lists the relevant experience and the level of qualifications, without revealing a sufficient amount to allow the firm to determine who the candidate is.
b) If a particular firm feels the qualifications are generally a match, they will solicit a full submission from me.
c) At that point we go back and get a candidate's ok. We discuss the pro's and con's.
d) If approved by the candidate, we send out a full submission (usually a resume, school transcripts and deal sheet).
This allows us to talk to all of my contacts we believe would be an appropriate match without restriction, while bringing down to ZERO the number of people who know the candidate might possibly entertain another option.
We take it very, very seriously.
We have earned the trust of thousands of individuals, all over the world, at the highest levels (that means you can trust us too).